Revised SCOMET List 2024 Notified
Updates the SCOMET List with recent policy changes and updates in the
Multilateral Export Control Regimes
of Defence Production to be Licensing Authority for
Export of items under Category 6 of SCOMET
Directorate General of Foreign
Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, has notified the updated
SCOMET list for the year 2024. India’s export control list (SCOMET) has been
updated, incorporating the recent changes /updates in the control lists of the
multilateral export control regimes, and certain policy amendments in our
national system, on the basis of inputs from relevant government organizations
and stakeholders.
With the recent update, DGFT
has also authorized the Department of Defence
Production (DDP), MoD, to be the licensing authority for export of all items
falling under Category 6 of SCOMET for military end use, streamlining certain
exclusions existing earlier.
India has a robust legal and
regulatory framework on strategic trade and related non-proliferation matters,
which includes the inter-ministerial SCOMET licensing process, effective
enforcement and risk assessment mechanisms, regular outreach to industry and
other stakeholders, etc. India is a member of the major multilateral export
control regimes, viz. the Missile Technology Control Regime, Wassenaar
Arrangement, and Australia Group, and harmonises its
guidelines and control lists with that of these regimes and the Nuclear
Suppliers Group.
Accordingly, India regulates
the exports of dual use items, nuclear related items, and military items,
including software and technology under the SCOMET (Special Chemicals Organisms
Materials Equipment and Technologies) list, which is notified by DGFT under the
Foreign Trade Policy.
The emergence of Strategic
Trade Controls as an important area has been acknowledged in the Foreign Trade
Policy 2023, where the SCOMET processes and procedures have been consolidated
at one place for better understanding of the Industry,
for effective compliance. As the exports under the SCOMET have increased substantively during
the last three years, DGFT has taken several initiatives, based on regular
interactions with the industry to facilitate authorized and responsible export
of these high end goods and technologies, which includes strengthening DGFT’s
e-platform for licensing, laying down a liberalized General Authorization
policy for items such as drones, dual-use chemicals, telecommunication
equipment, information security systems, and for Repairs in India, Repeat Order
for Stock & Sale Policy, Intra Company Transfers (GAICT), among many
The SCOMET List has been
notified by DGFT under Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of
Export and Import Items. The policy and procedures under SCOMET are outlined in
Chapter 10 of FTP and HBP 2023, and the list is regulated under Chapter IVA of
Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended in 2010.
[DGFT Notification No. 25/2024
dated 2nd September 2024]
Effect of this Notification: Annual
SCOMET Update - 2024 has been notified to amend
Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Sched ule-2 of ITC
(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018.
SCOMET Updates 2024 - Amendment in Appendix 3 (SCOMET items) to Schedule-
2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import
Items, 2018.
S.O.(E) In exercise
of the powers conferred by Section 5 and Section 14A of the Foreign Trade (Development
and Regulation) Act, 1992, read with Para 1.02 and Para
2 01 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2023, as amended from time to
time, the Central Government hereby makes the amendment in Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule -2 of ITC (HS) Classification
Import Items 2018, as enclosed in the
Annexure to this Notification.
The updated Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to
Schedule- 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018 as annexure
to this
would be uploaded on the web portal of DGFT under heading "Regulatory Updates" and Sub-heading "Import,
Export and SCOM ET policy".
In order to provide transition time to
industry, this Notification shall come into effect after 30
days of the date of issuance.
from F. No. 01/91/171/37/AM10/EC(S)]