Online Module for Annual RoDTEP Return (ARR) Filing in DGFT Portal Introduced

[DGFT Trade Notice No. 27/2024-25 dated 29 January, 2025]

Subject: Introduction of online module for filing Annual RoDTEP Return (ARR)

Members of Trade and Industry may note that consequent to publication of Public Notice No. 27/ 2024 -25, regarding Filing of Annual RoDTEP Return, a Module for the same has been introduced on the DGFT Website. It can be accessed on the DGFT Portal- under the link 'Regulations>RoDTEP'.

2. A user guideline, with FAQs (dynamically updated), is also being uploaded for the benefit of the exporters under the same link.

(Issued from File No. 01/61/180/166/AM24/PC-3/)