State Wise Quotas Set for Artificial Agarwood Export, Assam and
Tripura Lead
Annual Export Limits for Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
obtained from Artificially Propagated Sources
of artificially propagated Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
and Agar Oil shall be allowed from the states of Assam, Tripura, Manipur,
Nagaland, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Kerala and Others, as per the state-wise
revised annual limits.
[DGFT Notification No.52/2024-25 dated
20 January, 2025]
Effect of this Notification: State-wise Annual Export
Limits for Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) Chips and
Powder obtained from artificially propagated sources is increased from 25,000
Kgs to 1,51,080 Kgs. State-wise Annual Export Limits for Agar Oil is increased
from 1,500 Kgs to 7,050 Kgs, subject to the Export Policy conditions as
Subject: Amendment in Export
Policy condition of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
Chips and Powder and Agar Oil obtained from artificially propagated sources.
(E): In exercise of powers conferred by
Section 3 read with Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development &
Regulation) Act, 1992 read with para 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy
2023, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby makes the
following amendments in Export Policy Conditions of Agarwood Chips and Powder
and Agar Oil :
ITC(HS} Code & Description |
Export Policy |
Existing policy condition |
Policy Condition |
12119080 Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
(Including chips and Powder) |
Restricted |
The annual quota for export of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) Chips and Powder obtained from artificially
propagated source (cultivated origin outside forest areas) has been fixed as
under: Agarwood
Chips and Powder 25000 Kg per annum. The export of Agarwood (Aquilaria
Malaccensis) powder and Chips is permitted subject to following conditions: I. Applications for an export license for the export of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) obtained
from artificially propagated sources (cultivated origin outside forest areas) should be accompanied by
attested copies of certificate of origin issued by an Officer of the Forest
Department, authorized by concerned State Government from where stocks were
procured/exported, giving details of the date of procurement from legal
sources and quantities procured. The certificate of origin should mention
that the plantation from which agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
was obtained is registered with the State Government. II. A certificate of the current position of
stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical
verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the
PCCF, should also accompany the application for an export license. III. A copy of the export order received by the
concerned firm. IV. Coloured photograph of products duly
certified by the concerned officer designated by the Forest Department. V. An undertaking from the firm that items of
agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) proposed to be
exported has been harvested from plantation following all conditions of CITES
for harvesting of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis). |
The annual limits for export of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) Chips and Powder obtained from artificially
propagated sources (cultivated origin outside forest areas) has been fixed
for three financial years, viz, 2024-25 to 2026-27 (i.e. for the period
starting from l51 April,2024 till 31st March, 2027) as under: Agarwood Chips and Powder - 1,51,080 Kg per annum. The export of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) powder and Chips is permitted subject to
following conditions: i.
Applications for authorization to export agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) sourced from artificially propagated
plantations (cultivated outside forest areas) must include: a) An attested copy of a Certificate of origin
issued following a physical inspection by a Forest Department officer
authorised by the relevant State Government. The certificate must detail the
date and quantity of procurement from legal sources and confirm that the
plantation from which the agarwood was sourced is registered with the State
Government. b) A coloured photograph of the
products, duly certified by the designated officer of the Forest Department. ii. An undertaking from the firm that items
of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) proposed to be
exported has been harvested from plantation following all conditions of CITES
for harvesting of Agarwood and export shall be carried out only upon
submission of a valid CITES permit at the time of actual export. |
Agar Oil |
Restricted |
The annual quota for export of Agar Oil obtained
from artificially propagated source has been fixed as under: Agar Oil-1,500 Kg per annum. The
export of Agar Oil is permitted subject to following conditions: I. Applications for an export license for the
export of agar oil extracted from agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
obtained from artificially propagated sources (cultivated origin
outside forest areas) should be accompanied by attested copies of
certificate of origin issued by an Officer of the Forest Department,
authorized by concerned State Government from where stocks were
procured/exported, giving details of the date of procurement from legal
sources and quantities procured. The certificate of origin should mention
that the plantation from which agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis)
was obtained is registered with the State Government. II. A certificate of the current position of
stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical
verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the
PCCF, should also accompany the application for an export license III. A copy of the export order received by the
concerned firm. IV. Coloured photograph of products (agarwood)
(Aquilaria Malaccensis) duly certified by the
concerned officer designated by the Forest Department. V. An
undertaking from the firm that items of agar oil proposed to be exported has
been harvested from plantation following all conditions of CITES for
harvesting of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis). |
The annual limits for export of Agar Oil extracted
from agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) obtained from
artificially propagated sources (cultivated origin outside forest areas) has
been fixed for three financial years, viz, 2024-25 to 2026-27 (i.e., for the
period starting from 1st April, 2024 till 31st March,
2027) as under: Agar Oil 7,050 Kg per annum The export of Agar Oil is permitted subject to
following conditions: i.
Applications for authorization to export Agar Oil sourced from artificially
propagated plantations (cultivated outside forest areas) must include: a) An attested copy of a Certificate of origin
issued following a physical inspection by a Forest Department officer
authorised by the relevant State Government. The certificate must detail the
date and quantity of procurement from legal sources and confirm that the
plantation from which the agarwood was sourced is registered with the State
Government. b) A coloured photograph of the
products, duly certified by the designated officer of the Forest Department. ii. An undertaking from the firm that items
of Agar Oil proposed to be exported has been harvested from plantation
following all conditions of CITES for harvesting of Agarwood and export shall
be carried out only upon submission of a valid CITES permit at the time of
actual export. |
Export of artificially propagated Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) and Agar Oilshall be allowed from the states of Assam, Tripura,
Manipur, Nagaland,Karnataka, Meghalaya, Kerala and
Others, as per the state-wise revised annual limits (Annexure).
3. This notification shall be effective
(Issued from File No.
Annexure to Notification No.
52/2024-25 dated 20.01.2025
State-wise Annual Export
Limits for Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) obtained
from artificially propagated sources: -
State |
chips/ powder/ saw dust (non- exhausted) (in kgs) |
Agar Oil (in
kgs) |
Assam |
1,19,400 |
5,560 |
Tripura |
22,500 |
1,047 |
Manipur |
4,000 |
200 |
Nagaland |
3,400 |
180 |
Karnataka |
1,200 |
35 |
Meghalaya |
200 |
9 |
Kerala |
80 |
4 |
Others* |
300 |
15 |
Total |
1,51,080 kgs |
7,050 kgs |
*The State-wise limits for all other
states is collectively included in Others because the harvest in these states
is comparatively very less.