Paper Plates from China, Thailand and Vietnam found Dumped in US

·         Dumping margins of 650.48 percent to 1039.05 for China, 4.23 percent to 73.17 percent for Thailand and 165.27 percent for Vietnam.

·         Final determinations around January 13, 2025.

·         Investigations of imports of tungsten shot from China, with its preliminary antidumping duty determination due around December 24 and its preliminary countervailing duty determination on October 10.


[ABS News Services/04.09.2024]

The Commerce Department on Friday announced its preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations of paper plates from China, Thailand and Vietnam.

Commerce is concurrently conducting countervailing duty investigations on paper plates from China and Vietnam.

Commerce found dumping margins of 650.48 percent to 1039.05 for China, 4.23 percent to 73.17 percent for Thailand and 165.27 percent for Vietnam.

Commerce is expected to make its final determinations around January 13, 2025.

Separately, the International Trade Commission announced affirmative determinations in its preliminary phase countervailing and antidumping duty investigations concerning tungsten shot from China.

The ITC found that there is a reasonable indication that the establishment of a US industry is materially retarded by reason of imports of tungsten shot from China that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value and subsidized by the government of China.

As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, Commerce will continue its investigations of imports of tungsten shot from China, with its preliminary antidumping duty determination due around December 24 and its preliminary countervailing duty determination on October 10.