Six More Months to Domestic Flasks, Bottles and Containers from BIS

[DPIIT Order S.O. 3705(E) dated 29th August 2024]

S.O. 3705(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 read with section 17 and sub-section (3) of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government, after consulting the Bureau of Indian Standards is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest, hereby makes the following Order to amend the Insulated Flask, Bottles and Containers for Domestic Use (Quality Control) Order, 2024, namely :-

1. (1) This Order may be called the Insulated Flask, Bottles and Containers for Domestic Use (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024.

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Insulated Flask, Bottles and Containers for Domestic Use (Quality Control) Order, 2024, in Paragraph 2, after second proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-

“Provided also that nothing in this Order shall apply to goods or articles domestically manufactured or imported before the date of commencement of this Order by the manufacturer certified by the Bureau or manufacturer who has applied to the Bureau for certification or by the importer for the relevant goods and articles and such manufacturer or importer shall be permitted to sell or display or offer to sell such declared stock up to six months from the date of commencement of the Insulated Flask, Bottles and Containers for Domestic Use (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024 subject to the condition that such manufacturer or importer shall make a declaration to this effect certified by a Chartered accountant to the Bureau.”

[F. No. P-14031/20/2023-CI]