Viet Nam and United States Settle Fish Duties Dispute Outside WTO

[ABS News Service/23.01.2025]


On 17 January, Viet Nam and the United States submitted a notification to the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body of a mutually agreed solution in dispute DS536, “United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Fish Fillets from Viet Nam.” The notification was circulated to WTO members on 21 January.

Mutually agreed solution

At any stage during the dispute settlement process, parties can settle the dispute by finding a “mutually agreed solution”. Solutions mutually acceptable to the parties to the dispute must also be consistent with the relevant WTO agreement and must not nullify or impair benefits accruing under the agreement to any other member. Parties are required to notify the Dispute Settlement Body and relevant councils and committees of any mutually agreed solution they have reached.